April 2015
- Applications to present a paper or organize a workshop at the annual Conference of ELSJ should be sent to <conference-elsj☆kaitakusha.co.jp>*, with an abstract in pdf or doc/docx format as an attachment. Please see the Rules for Abstract Submission and Paper Presentation, from which the required application form may be downloaded.
- Applications to present a paper or organize a workshop at the ELSJ International Spring Forum should be sent to <forum-elsj☆kaitakusha.co.jp>*, with an abstract in pdf or doc/docx format as an attachment. Please see the Call for Papers and Workshop Proposals for more information about the submission process.
- Submission of manuscripts to the conference proceedings JELS should be sent as attachments in both pdf and doc/docx format to <conference-elsj☆kaitakusha.co.jp>*. Please see the Rules for JELS for more information about the submission process.
- Articles, Brief Articles, and Notes and Discussion submitted for publication in English Linguistics should be sent to <ar-toko☆kaitakusha.co.jp>* as e-mail attachments in pdf or doc/docx format. Please see the Information for Contributors for more information about the submission process.
- Applications for the ELSJ Junior or Senior Researcher Award should be sent as e-mail attachments in both pdf and doc/docx format to <award-a-obo☆kaitakusha.co.jp>*. Please see the Guidelines for Applications for the ELSJ Junior and Senior Researcher Awards for more information about the application process.
- Applications for the ELSJ Prize, including a statement in support of the application by one person (including the applicant him/herself), should be sent as e-mail attachments in both pdf and doc/docx format to <award-b-obo☆kaitakusha.co.jp>*. Please see the Guidelines for Application for the ELSJ Prize for more information about the application process. Any ELSJ member of at least two years’ standing at the beginning of the application period of the relevant academic year is eligible. Six copies (photocopies allowed) and an unbound photocopy of a book published by the applicant no more than two years prior to the beginning of the application period must be mailed to an address which will be announced on this website three months prior to the beginning of the application period.
- Applications for the ELSJ Best Paper Awards** should be sent as e-mail attachments to <conference-elsj☆kaitakusha.co.jp>* (for the annual Conferences) or to <forum-elsj☆kaitakusha.co.jp>* (for the International Spring Forums). Please see the Rules for Abstract Submission and Paper Presentation or the Call for Papers and Workshop Proposals for more information about the application process.
- Members wishing to get permission for republication, registration in archives, or uploading of articles published in EL or JELS should consult the ELSJ Regulations on Information Management.
- Members (Contributors/Authors/Applicants/Presenters) are subject to the Guidelines for Deterring Misconduct in Research Activities. If misconduct is identified, article 3 of the Guidelines applies.
- Information about announcements of upcoming talks and linguistic meetings or study group activities to be posted on this website should be sent to <kouhou-elsj☆kaitakusha.co.jp>* as e-mail attachments in both pdf and doc/docx format.
*The “@” in the e-mail address has been replaced by “☆” for security reasons.
** Previously called the Best Speaker Awards