Guidelines for Deterring Misconduct in Research Activities


Sound Scientific Research

The English Linguistic Society of Japan (ELSJ) strives to contribute to the progress and development of synchronic or diachronic studies on English and linguistic theory. To achieve this aim, it is mandatory for ELSJ members engaged in creative research to make public results supported by original data and logical arguments, based on the results of previous studies. Thus research activities must be free of any kind of misconduct, including fabrication, falsification, inappropriate citation, and plagiarism. The above misconduct hinders development of scientific research and amounts to the desecration of sound principles. The ELSJ members must bear in mind the importance of following the ethical code for conducting research. If members fail to adhere to this, negative consequences will be incurred not only on the individual concerned, but also on the ELSJ as a whole. Needless to say, it is imperative not only for members to stay away from misconduct but also to do the utmost not to be even suspected in the eyes of others.


What is Research Misconduct?

The following are defined as misconduct in research activities.



To fabricate non-existing data or research results.



To alter data or research results.


Improper Citation

To use others’ ideas, data or research results without permission or proper acknowledgement.



To use written contents of others’ work, be it in the form of books, articles, or electronic information on the internet, without proper citation.


Penalties for Misconduct

If misconduct has been identified in an article published in ELSJ publications, EL or JELS as well as books and articles considered for the ELSJ Awards, that fact in principle will be made public and the recognition given to the works will be nullified and the related information on the website of ESLJ will be erased. If misconduct has been identified in the process of screening, before publication or presentation, in principle, the work in question will not be considered and the publication/presentation will be disallowed. The decision will be made known to the individual concerned and, if need be, to the affiliated organization.

(March 2014)