Lists of Awardees

The ELSJ Awards

If you click on an awardee name, you can read a message by that awardee.

Academic Year The ELSJ Young Researcher Award (established in April, 2003)
2003 1st: no award granted
2004 2nd: no award granted
2005 3rd: no award granted; two honorable mentions as follows:

  • Nagano, Akiko: “The Status of Backformation and Morpheme-Basedness of English Morphology” (EL 23.1. (2006))
  • Shima, Etsuro: “Reducing Pseudogapping to VP Ellipsis” (EL 23.1 (2006))
2006 4th: no award granted
2007 5th: no award granted
2008 6th: Award for Promising Young Researchers

  • Nawata, Hiroyuki: “Clausal Architecture and Inflectional Paradigm: The Case of V2 in the History of English” (EL 26.1 (2009))
The ELSJ Young Researcher Award The ELSJ Award (established in November, 2008)
2009 7th: no award granted
  • Iwata, Seizi: Locative Alternation: A Lexical-Constructional Approach, John Benjamins, 2008
2010 Interim period between old and new systems: reconsideration of the screening process and establishment of a new tripartite awarding system (October, 2010)
The ELSJ Junior Researcher Award The ELSJ Senior Researcher Award The ELSJ Prize
  • Maeda, Masako: “The Criterial Freezing Effect and Split A’-Movement” (EL 27.2 (2010))
  • Kasai, Hironobu: “Parasitic Gaps under Multiple Dominance” (EL 27.2 (2010))
  • Yamada, Eiji: Subsidiary Stresses in English, Kaitakusha, 2010
  • Watanabe, Takuto: “On the Development of the Immediate Future Use of Be About To in the History of English with Special Reference to Late Modern English” (EL 28.1 (2011))
no award granted no award granted
  • Kitada, Shin-Ichi: “A Theory of Linearization and Its Implication for Boundedness of Movement” (EL 29.2 (2012))
no award granted
  • Takahashi, Hidemitsu: A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of the English Imperative: With Special Reference to Japanese Imperatives, John Benjamins, 2012
  • Kono, Tsuguyo: English Relative Clauses, Kaitakusha, 2012
  • Arano, Akihiko: “Uninterpretable Features and the Immobility of Constituents” (EL 30.1 (2013))
  • Nagano, Akiko: “Morphology of Direct Modification” (EL 30.1 (2013))
  • Zamma, Hideki: Patterns and Categories in English Suffixation and Stress Placement: A Theoretical and Quantitative Study, Kaitakusha, 2013
2015 No award granted
  • Shibasaki, Reijirou: “On the Development of The Point Is and Related Issues in the History of American English” (EL 31.1 (2014))
  • Ueno, Yoshio: An Automodular View of English Grammar, Waseda University Press, 2014
  • Maeda, Masako: Derivational Feature-based Relativized Minimality, Kyushu University Press, 2014
  • Tozawa, Takahiro: “On Labeling in Free Relative Clauses in English” (EL 32.1 (2015))
    No award granted
  • Tanaka, Hideki: Eigo to Nihongo ni okeru Suryo Hyogen to Kankeisetsu no Kaishaku ni kansuru Kijutsuteki Rironteki Kenkyu (A Descriptive and Theoretical Study of the Interpretation of Quantitative Expressions and Relative Clauses in English and Japanese), Kaitakusha, 2015
  • Koike, Koji:”The Development of Negative-Initial Constructions in the History of English” (EL 33.2 (2016))
    No award granted
  • Sugisaki, KojiHajimete no Gengo Kakutoku: Fuhen Bumpo ni motozuku Apurochi (First Language Acquisition: A UG-based Approach), Iwanami Shoten, 2015
    No award granted
  • Sawada, OsamuPragmatic Aspects of Scalar Modifiers: The Semantics-Pragmatics Interface, Oxford University Press, 2018
  • Hayashi, Norimasa: The Derivation of Non-Restrictive Relative Clauses and Their Invisibilities(EL35.1 (2018))
    No award granted
  • Tonoike, ShigeoMinimarisuto Nichieigohikaku Tougoron (A Minimalist Approach to Comparative Syntax of English and Japanese), Kaitakusha, 2019
  • Kanetani, Masaru: Causation and Reasoning Constructions, John Benjamins, 2019
  • Iwata, Seizi: English Resultatives: A Force-Recipient Account, John Benjamins, 2020


The English Linguistics Research Promotion Award

Academic Year The English Linguistics Research Promotion Award
  • Kasai, Hironobu: “Parasitic Gaps under Multiple Dominance” (EL 27.2 (2010))
  • Maeda, Masako: “The Criterial Freezing Effect and Split A’-Movement” (EL 27.2 (2010))
  • Watanabe, Takuto: “On the Development of the Immediate Future Use of Be About To in the History of English with Special Reference to Late Modern English” (EL 28.1 (2011))
  • Akaso, Naoyuki and Tomoko Haraguchi: “On the Categorial Status of Japanese Relative Clauses” (EL 28.1 (2011))
  • Kitada, Shin-Ichi: “A Theory of Linearization and Its Implication for Boundedness of Movement” (EL 29.2 (2012))
  • Arano, Akihiko: “Uninterpretable Features and the Immobility of Constituents” (EL 30.1 (2013))
  • Mizuguchi, Manabu: “Reconsidering Phase-Internal Derivations: Are They Exceptional or Not?” (EL 30.1 (2013))
  • Nagano, Akiko: “Morphology of Direct Modification” (EL 30.1 (2013))


The English Linguistics Research Paper Award

Academic Year The English Linguistics Research Paper Award
  • Arano, Akihiko:“Two Types of Main Verb Inversion” (EL 31.1 (2014))
  • Shibasaki, Reijirou:“On the Development of The Point Is and Related Issues in the History of American English” (EL 31.1 (2014))
  • Tozawa, Takahiro: “On Labeling in Free Relative Clauses in English” (EL 32.1 (2015))
  • Koike, Koji: “The Development of Negative-Initial Constructions in the History of English” (EL 33.2 (2016))
  • Otsuka, Tomonori : “Radical Free Merger” (EL 34.1 (2017))
  • Hayashi, Norimasa : “The Derivation of Non-Restrictive Relative Clauses and Their Invisibilities” (EL 35.1 (2018))
  • Maezawa, Hiroki : “Reconstruction, Cyclic Transfer and Reintegration” (EL 35.2 (2018))


The Best Paper Award

Academic Year Annual Conference International Spring Forum
2015 No award granted – – –
  • (Honorable Mention) Mikami, Suguru: “The Parameterization of the Feature Inheritance System and the Gradual Syntactic Change in the History of English”
  • (Honorable Mention) Matsuda, Asako: “Shifted Indexicals in Partial Control”
  • Honda, Masatoshi: “Negative Inversion and Its Implications for the Information Structure of Nominal Phrases”
  • Nakashima, Takanori: “Strict Cyclicity Reconsidered: From a Viewpoint of Labeling”
  • (Honorable Mention) Tanaka, Yuta: “The Historical Change of End up and the Rise of PredP”
  • (Honorable Mention) Mino, Takashi: “Pragmatic Constraint on There Speak Construction and Its Peculiarities”
  • Sakamoto, Yuta: “NEG-raising in English: A View from an Interaction with So Anaphora”
No award granted
  • Ishida, Takashi: “Prefixed Relational Adjectives in English”
  • Kikuchi, Yuki: “An Analysis of N-free and N-less Based on Construction Morphology”
  • (Honorable Mention) Saito, Shogo: “Labeling Algorithm and Copy Deletion”
  • Yamada, Akitaka: “Comparisons and Speech Acts in Japanese Exclamatives”
  • Hirata, Takuya: “A Consideration of the Historical Development of Gerunds with Accusative Subjects”
  • (Honorable Mention) Matsuda, Asako: “Indexical Structures of “Bound” Plurals”
  • Saito, Shogo “Optional Movement and an Economy Condition”
  • Matsuda, Yuji “Lexical Category of Subject-Adjective in as-Clauses in as… as Constructions: An Example of as happy as happy can be
  • (Honorable Mention) Togano, Yuri “On a New Type of Out-Prefixed Verbs in English”
  • (Honorable Mention) Hattori, Ryosuke “Acquisition of Degree Abstraction: Seeking Evidence from IPL”
  • (Honorable Mention) Ishida, Takashi and Ryohei Naya “Why Does Contrast Allow Relational Adjectives to Be Used Predicatively?: A Qualia Structure-based Account”
  • 2022
    • (Honorable Mention) Muraoka, Souichiro “On the Asynchronicity of Bare Infinitives in the Complement of Causative Verbs”
    No award granted
    • Yamada, Akitaka “Embedded Moods and the Semantics of Tokoro-Clauses”
  • (Honorable Mention) Suzuki, Maya “Labeling and Selection: A Case Study of Wh-Associated Exactly
  • 2024
  • (Honorable Mention) Yamada, Akitaka “Semantics of Redupulicants”
  • (Honorable Mention) Chikamori, Airi “The Movement Analysis for Temporal Interpretations in Relative Clauses”
  • (Honorable Mention) Usui, Yuka “A Phase-Based Analysis of Subject-Object Asymmetry in Nonfinite Clauses”
  • (Honorable Mention) Xu, Zicheng “Update Semantics with Accessibility Relation”