Rules and Guidelines for the ELSJ Awards

Rules for the ELSJ Awards

Last revised March 2024

(Establishment of the Awards)
Article 1: The English Linguistic Society of Japan (henceforth ELSJ) has established the ELSJ Prize, the ELSJ Senior Researcher Award and the ELSJ Junior Researcher Award with the purpose of publicly honoring outstanding academic achievements by ELSJ members.
Article 2: The period of application for the ELSJ Prize, the ELSJ Senior Researcher Award and the ELSJ Junior Researcher Award is from April 1st to April 15th of each academic year.
Article 3: Applicants for the ELSJ Prize must be members of at least two years’ standing at the time of application.
Article 4: Applicants for the ELSJ Senior Researcher Award must in principle be recipients of the EL Research Paper Award who were at least 40 years old or had 10 or more years of research experience since finishing a master’s (or pre-doctoral) program at the time they submitted the paper (Article) to EL.
Article 5: Applicants for the ELSJ Junior Researcher Award must be recipients of the EL Research Paper Award who were less than 40 years old or had less than 10 years of research experience since finishing a master’s (or pre-doctoral) program at the time they submitted the paper (Article) to EL.
Article 6: Winners of the ELSJ Prize, the ELSJ Senior Researcher Award and the ELSJ Junior Researcher Award are decided by the respective selection committees for those awards.
Article 7: The awards ceremony is held at the general meeting of the annual Conference of each academic year.
Article 8: An award-winner is given a certificate and a supplementary prize.
Article 9: Members of the selection committee for each award specified in article 6 are nominated by a standing committee called the ELSJ Awards committee.
Article 10: The rules regarding the ELSJ Awards committee are specified separately.
Article 11: Applicants/winners are subject to the Guidelines for Deterring Misconduct in Research Activities of the ELSJ. If misconduct is identified, article 3 of the Guidelines applies.
Article 12: Guidelines for application for the ELSJ Prize, the ELSJ Senior Researcher Award and the ELSJ Junior Researcher Award are specified separately.


Guidelines for Application for the ELSJ Prize

Last revised March 2024

  1. Applicants for the ELSJ Prize must be members of at least two years’ standing at the beginning of the application period of the relevant academic year. Membership presupposes payment of membership dues.
  2. A book submitted as a candidate for the ELSJ Prize, whether it is in English or in Japanese, must be primarily concerned with English linguistics (diachronic or synchronic), linguistic theory, or the comparison of English with other languages (especially Japanese). The subject matter must be within the range of subfields that are specified for presentations at the ELSJ annual Conference and submissions to EL.
  3. The period of application for the ELSJ Prize is between April 1st and April 15th of each academic year. A candidate book must have been published within the two years preceding the beginning of the application period of the relevant academic year. The same book cannot be submitted twice.
  4. Applicants for the ELSJ Prize are required to download the file titled ELSJ Prize Application Form from the ELSJ website and send it, within the application period, to the address <award-b-obo☆>*. In the ELSJ Prize Application Form, applicants must include a statement in support of the application (approximately 1,200 Japanese characters or 800 words) by one person (who may be the applicant) as well as a synopsis of the book submitted. Applicants need to submit the ELSJ Prize Application Form as attachments in both pdf and doc/docx format. Applicants are required to send 6 copies of the submitted book (photocopies allowed) and one unbound copy of the entire book. The address for submissions is to be found in the announcement of the ELSJ Awards, which is posted on the ELSJ website three months before the announcement of the awards each academic year.
  5. A co-authored book is acceptable as a candidate for the ELSJ Prize, but a collection of articles written by assigned authors is not. Whether the applicant is a single co-author or the entire group, the applicant(s) must satisfy the above conditions. In the synopsis of the submitted book on the ELSJ Prize Application Form, the part of the book for which each applicant was responsible must be specified. When all co-authors are applicants, one representative co-author must complete the application, and the ELSJ Awards committee will deal with that co-author only.

*The “@” in the e-mail address has been replaced by “☆” for security reasons.


Guidelines for Applications for the ELSJ Senior and Junior Researcher Awards

Last revised March 2024

  1. Applicants for the ELSJ Senior Researcher Award and the ELSJ Junior Researcher Award must be recipients of the EL Research Paper Award as selected by the editorial board.
  2. Applicants for the ELSJ Senior Researcher Award and the ELSJ Junior Researcher Award must be recipients of the EL Research Paper Award in the category of Article (AR).
  3. Applicants for the ELSJ Junior Researcher Award must be members who are less than 40 years old or have less than 10 years of research experience since finishing a master’s (or pre-doctoral) program. Applicants for the ELSJ Senior Researcher Award must in principle be members who are at least 40 years old or have 10 or more years of research experience since finishing a master’s (or pre-doctoral) program. For present purposes, membership is established by payment of membership dues in the year when the candidate was awarded the EL Research Paper Award. Further, age and years of research experience are computed as of the time of submission of the relevant paper to EL. Finally, a recipient of the ELSJ Junior Researcher Award can apply, irrespective of the age restriction, for the ELSJ Senior Researcher Award with an additional article that has been awarded the EL Research Paper Award in the category of Article (AR).
  4. The period of application for the ELSJ Senior Researcher Award and the ELSJ Junior Researcher Award is between April 1st and April 15th of each academic year.
  5. An applicant for the ELSJ Senior Researcher Award or the ELSJ Junior Researcher Award is required to download the file titled ELSJ Senior Researcher Award Application Form or ELSJ Junior Researcher Award Application Form from the ELSJ website and send it, within the application period, to the address <award-a-obo☆>*. Either application form must include a synopsis of the submitted work. Applicants must submit the application form as attachments in both pdf and doc/docx format. After the application is submitted, the editorial board will enter a reason for recommendation on the form.
  6. A co-authored paper is eligible for the ELSJ Senior Researcher Award or the ELSJ Junior Researcher Award, but the applicant must be an author who has played a major role in the submitted article. The degree of contribution by the applicant must be made explicit in the synopsis of the submitted article in the application form. In addition, when all co-authors apply jointly, it is advisable to make inquiries in advance to the ELSJ’s secretariat about qualifications and application procedures.

*The “@” in the e-mail address has been replaced by “☆” for security reasons.