- 2024/05/13
The Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University
Employment of a Visiting Lecturer, Term LimitedThe applicant should be a native speaker of English, and have a professional interest in teaching English linguistics and other courses (including English conversation, composition, academic writing and cultural studies).Applications must be received by June 30 th, 2024.For further information on this post, please refer to the job description and person specification - 2024/04/16
山口大学人文学部人文学科 欧米言語文学講座
英語学分野(音声学・音韻論,形態論,または音韻論・形態論と言語学諸分野とのインターフェイス)を研究対象とする専任講師 1名(女性限定)
(応募締切 2024年7月31日(水)必着)
詳しい情報はこちらの「教員・研究員公募」 「人文学科 欧米言語文学講座(英